【Tetris 99】empty head dropping some blocks【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】


【Tetris 99】empty head dropping some blocks【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】について


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#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID
Nintendo properties used in this video and livestream are used with permission and under license by Nintendo Co., Ltd.

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【Vestia Zeta】
• Channel: https://t.co/mTJbfHlA8z
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【Kobo Kanaeru】
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【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
• Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan.
• Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar.
• Dimohon tidak melakukan spam dalam bentuk apa pun.
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• Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room.
• Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room/saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan.

【EN】Notice during the stream:
• Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words.
• Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream.
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• Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
• Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc.
• Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room.
• Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.


• General: #KaelaKovalskia
• Live: #Kaelaif
• Fanart: #inKaela
• Meme: #KaeLaugh

【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】
• https://twitter.com/suzupin

Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/mikhazhhu/status/1648967452028723200
Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit
Overlay: https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_
Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus
Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/Norah_s_Pot
General BGM: https://www.instagram.com/iyast_pratama/
Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi
Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62
Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune
Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

Opening BGM: https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play17557.html
Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play5698.html

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