【VOICE CHALLENGE】in the same room? 💙🤎 #gumeiについて
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Gawr Gura Ch.で【VOICE CHALLENGE】in the same room? 💙🤎 #gumei出てくると思わなかったわ
Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-ENの動画は良作が多いな
投稿したのが08/01 01:54で278801も再生されてるってすごいな
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how well do you know our voice? how well do we know our voice?
with; @NanashiMumei🐟 twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
🪶 twitter: https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_enplay the quiz with us!: https://planetdropper.itch.io/mumei-gura-voice-quiz
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