VTuber nasty moments (NIJISANJI EN Moments)


VTuber nasty moments (NIJISANJI EN Moments)について


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If chaos was condensed into one clip, this would be one of the many for NIJISANJI EN featuring Elira Pendora, Pomu Rainpuff (LazuLight), Selen Tatsuki (OBSYDIA), Millie Parfait, Enna Allouette (Ethyria), Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias (Luxiem), Sonny Brisko, Uki Violeta, Alban Knox (Noctyx), Aia Amare, Aster Arcadia (ILUNA). Caught in 4k as they share their sussy stories and conspiracy theories while absolutely losing it as they play Super Bunny Man, Cats Organized Neatly, Apex Legends and more!

Official hashtag » #NIJIClip

◆Featured Liver
Elira Pendora – エリーラペンドラ
Twitter: @EliraPendora
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow?sub_confirmation=1

Pomu Rainpuff – ぽむれいんぱふ
Twitter: @PomuRainpuff
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP4nMSTdwU1KqYWu3UH5DHQ?sub_confirmation=1

Selen Tatsuki – セレン龍月
Twitter: @Selen_Tatsuki
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1xUwfM2v2oBtT3JNvic3w?sub_confirmation=1

Rosemi Lovelock – ロゼミ・ラブロック
Twitter: @Rosemi_Lovelock
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WvIIAo89_AzGUh1AZ6Dkg?sub_confirmation=1

Enna Alouette – エナー・アールウェット
Twitter: @EnnaAlouette
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6qhsLpn62WVxCBK1dkLow?sub_confirmation=1

Millie Parfait – ミリー・パフェ
Twitter: @MillieParfait
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC47rNmkDcNgbOcM-2BwzJTQ?sub_confirmation=1

Shu Yamino – 闇ノシュウ
Twitter: @Shu_Yamino
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0rzBZV_QMP4MtWg6IjhEA?sub_confirmation=1

Mysta Rias – ミスタ・リアス
Twitter: @Mysta Rias
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIM92Ok_spNKLVB5TsgwseQ?sub_confirmation=1

Luca Kaneshiro – ルカ・カネシロ
Twitter: @Luca_Kaneshiro
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Gb7Uawe20QyFibhLl1lzA?sub_confirmation=1

Sonny Brisko – サニー・ブリスコー
Twitter: @Sonny_Brisko
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuAb_72QzK0M1USPMEl1yw?sub_confirmation=1

Alban Knox – アルバーン・ノックス
Twitter: @Alban_Knox
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1zGxHrfEmmW4CPpBx9-qw?sub_confirmation=1

Uki Violeta – 浮奇・ヴィオレタ
Twitter: @Uki_Violeta
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ5FTsHOu72_5OVx0rvsvQ?sub_confirmation=1

Aia Amare – アイア アマレ
Twitter: @AiaAmare
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN68LoM3khS4gdBMiWJO8WA?sub_confirmation=1

Aster Arcadia – アスター アルカディア
Twitter: @AsterArcadia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpzxZW5kghGnO5TmAFJQAVw?sub_confirmation=1

◆Original videos:


Sunshine Wongster (@SnshnWngstr)
Find the latest news from NIJISANJI at:

◆NIJISANJI EN Official Twitter

◆NIJISANJI Official Twitter (JP)

NIJISANJI EN digital voice content on sale!
Shop: https://nijisanji-store.com

▽ Guidance for minors

#LazuLight #OBSYDIA #Ethyria #Luxiem #Noctyx #ILUNA #VirtualYoutuber #Zatsudan #ApexLegends #Minecraft #TheMortuaryAssistant #Stray VTuberEN VTuber WTF Moments & Funny Moments

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