Kusogaki Kobo demands Kaela to bark like a dogについて
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does anyone even read this?
Please do consider checking out the original streams and subscribe to the talents if you haven’t already
【Overcooked! 2】chop, cook, wash, chaos【Kaela x Kobo / hololive ID】【Ela’s Channel】
【Kobo’s Channel】
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjLEmnpCNeisMxy134KPwWw【Hand assets】
https://twitter.com/noru_nekomiya/status/1432915822746341376【My Twitter】
Tweets by rikku_asutorii#Kobo_Kanaeru #Kaela_Kovalskia #ホロライブ #hololive #vtuber #holoID #hololiveID #hololiveIndonesia #holoh3ro
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